The premiere of the FuturoCoin cryptocurrency
At the end of January, FuturoCoin (FTO) joins the worldwide group of cryptocurrencies. Its launch was announced a few months ago. As FuturoCoin’s creators mark out, the new cryptocurrency is based on the blockchain system and ensures an optimal balance between performance, decentralization and security. Technical details are presented in the white paper.
In the community of people associated with cryptocurrencies, discussions regarding scalability and centralization are underway. Among the key issues are the connection between the increase in bandwidth, low transmission fee and the growing centralization of the network. The reverse mechanism is greater decentralization at the price of low bandwidth and high transaction fees. An equally important factor is also the security of the entire system.
Designers and developers of the new cryptocurrency consider that it is possible to achieve an optimal balance between performance, decentralization and security.
The emerging cryptocurrency, FuturoCoin, which enters the market on January 31, 2018, will surely guarantee it!
“The result is a product that ensures immediate transaction performance, low cost, protection against double spending attacks, due to simultaneous decentralization and security guaranteed by a distributed blockchain system” — the creators of FuturoCoin explain.
According to the used solutions, the system has no overarching business or system point that could directly affect the functioning of the entire network. For example, through the possibility of switching it off, changing the growth rate of the so-called tokens, their maximum number, the course of any historical or future transaction or any embezzlement. The creators indicate that FuturoCoin is a unique product, that has a good chance of gaining wide recognition in the market.
The new cryptocurrency popularity may also be affected by the social aspect. FutureNet, which is responsible for creating FuturoCoin, comprises over 2 million users.
“Participants want to use their own cryptocurrency. The portal on which you will be able to trade products using FuturoCoins is under construction. Also, the negotiations with stationary stores, where you will be able to pay with a new cryptocurrency, are being held. All this favours the development and absorption of FuturoCoin in the market” — FutureNet explains.
The technical details of the FuturoCoin cryprocurrency are presented in the white paper and additionally confirmed by open source code.Additional information and the FuturoCoin white paper: