Results of a fork – is it profitable to carry out?
The results of a fork are changes in blockchain structure. What exactly are these changes? First of all, one of the chains in blockchain becomes the dominant one. The second one shows low adaptation to conditions. Both chains exist and function independently with an approximately equal value. One of them dominates the other, but both remain equally valuable.
Results of a fork – how to recognize the type of the fork?
During the fork any occurrence is possible but the third option is most common. Then a new cryptocurrency appears. The first case is also highly probable, while the second one occurs most often during soft forks. When a cryptocurrency goes through a fork – find out if it is a soft or hard version. If you are a regular user – you do not need to do any special actions, unless a new cryptocurrency is created in the process. However, if you are a miner – check that you have the latest version of the software.
How to receive free coins during the fork?
If you want to receive free coins from a hard fork, you need to do some important steps. But first – find out why free coins are the products of the hard fork. Blockchain is a transaction book with registered actions. Each participant who received coins before and during the forks have coins in both chains after the end of the fork. New resources with a snapshot date in the general ledger create during the hard fork. The snapshot takes place at a defined block number, which is extremely important during the fork. So, if you want to participate, you’ll need to complete the transaction before the snapshot.
Simply speaking, a hard fork is a code change. A soft fork is a small change that is not needed to update the nodes. A hard fork is a huge change in blockchain, which significantly changes the operation of the cryptographic network. It can only be a change in blockchain or rise a new currency. The process requires an upgrade to the new software version – the old and new chains are incompatible. The effect of the fork is the creation of two blockchains, two cryptocurrencies, and two code sets. Most participants update the software, and if not, the system continues to operate.
Are digital wallets important during the fork?
When the cryptocurrency forks, you want to keep it in a digital wallet with the ability to control private keys. The stock market and user wallets do a lot of work to take care of users, while a person with a private key can do it independently. If you use a third-party platform, you’ll be dependent on it for fork payouts. Remember to choose the right services for another platform, especially when the hard fork is being carried out. Some of them work better, some – worse. The best of them have a long history of lending for carried out forks.
If you are the miner or you haven’t done any update of the software before the fork, you will stop in a chain that does not comply with the new rules and you will not be able to carry out post-upgrade activities.