Great news from FutureNet 2.0!
Hello, FutureNet world! We have a very exciting time for FutureNet right now.
First of all, we are happy to say that European FutureNet Event in Villach is a BIG FutureNet success! Thank you all for coming!
During the event, we showed new amazing FutureNet products and presentations! All materials from the event are available for download on our website in the download section. If you want to refresh your memories, check pictures on the website! FutureNet Event – Memories.
Thank you for the first month of using the Back Office. Hope you have enjoyed all new opportunities! The time of your first free Subscription has just passed and your commissions are on their way! You will be able to see them in the system on Monday evening (8th of July)! Stay tuned!
Our new Social Media Platform is working well and we have updates there all the time. Do YOU use the FutureNet Social Media Platform for your personal Posts? YOU should and you should also duplicate it in your team.
We know that many of you are using Facebook or other Social Media Platforms, but the perfect way for you, as a successful FutureNet user, is to post twice. Don’t forget that FutureNet is the only Social Media Platform that pays you!
We are also working very hard on our FNtalk Messenger. Later this summer, we are going to have a lot of new updates. The goal is to make everyone in FutureNet use the FNtalk as their MAIN MESSENGER . Of course, we will update you in the next newsletters, posts and trainings about FNtalk.
FutureNet Travel:
We want to let you know that one of the most exciting Parts of FutureNet is the FutureNet Travel.
We started the Travel Program a few months ago and now we are very close to the official launch next week.
There you can find a lot of COOL EXAMPLES and SAVE up to 71% compared to regular prices. It is important to understand that we have the SAME Hotels as other online sites, but… the FutureNet Prices are up to 71% cheaper!
How can you use the FutureNet Travel services? It is very simple. If you have MEDIA POINTS, you can create Travel Vouchers. Here comes the best part: for each FND in Media Points, you can create 2$ in Travel Vouchers. You can use some or all your Media Points, which includes your previous ones and/or new ones.
For the TRAVEL it’s the same as above. We will update you in the next newsletters, posts and in special Trainings.
FutureNet Cloud:
Are you using Cloud Services? It is the modern way to save or share big files and have access to them from each of your devices. And of course, it is the modern way to share files with others.
The new FutureNet Cloud is a high level, very user-friendly system. You can also use the FutureNet Cloud with your Media Points. Take a closer look here:
FN Power App and FutureNet Academy:
We, as a Company, want to help you build your business very successful. We have created tools for you which are easy to use and 100% duplicatable.
The best one is the FN Power App. We are very proud to have the OFFICIAL LAUNCH of the FN Power App on 10.07.2019.
What exactly is the FN Power App and how can this App help you to build your Business very successfully?
The FN Power App is the best App for Network and Online Marketers. It has 3 main “Jobs”:
- Conditioning yourself for success
- Learn about: MLM, Online Marketing, Personal Growing and Crypto Currencies
- Inform and Sponsor new People
Let’s speak here a little bit more about the first point:
What do you think? Is it enough to go the GYM once when you want to have a dream figure or you want to be strong like Arnold Schwarzenegger? Definitely NOT.
You need to do it on a regular basis. You need to CONDITIONING YOUR BODY. After couple of weeks or months, you will see results.
How about your BRAIN ? Do you think it is enough to watch a cool Success Video once to become successful overnight? The answer is the same: definitely not.
So, we need to condition your Brain for Success on a daily basis.
QUESTION : Are you “crazy” enough to do things that others don’t even try?
Don’t worry, it is very simple and YOU CAN DO IT .
Click here to our SUCCESS SYSTEM VIDEO and watch it:
Daily Video DE Version
Daily Video ENG Version
And now comes the important point: WATCH THIS VIDEO EVERY DAY. Monday to Sunday, Monday to Sunday, Monday to Sunday, for the next 100 days! YES, we are not joking!
Watch the same Video for the next 100 days EVERY DAY! Do it by yourself and share it with your partners. Build your successful team in the most effective way.
This system is a Million times proven.
EVERY SINGLE DAY: you will concentrate on Success.
EVERY SINGLE DAY: you will hear the Simple Strategy.
EVERY SINGLE DAY: you will be motivated to build your Business Successful.
EVERY SINGLE DAY: you are conditioning your Brain For Success.
You remember the example with the GYM? We hope that you understand that simple logic.
And now comes another important point: YOUR TEAM PARTNERS SHOULD BE DOING EXACTLY THE SAME!
Ask them every day just 3 questions:
- Did you watch the Video?
- Did you watch the Daily Drop of Motivation?
- Did you inform at least ONE (or more) person about FutureNet?
Building a successful organization has never been easier! When you follow the simple system in the Video, you can step-by-step qualify step for each of the Ranks in our Ranking System.
GO DIAMOND and let`s meet in Dubai in our FutureNet TV Studio!
We, in FutureNet, have huge plans for a successful future. We would like to invite you to be an important part of it.
Our Global Ambassador of Education, Mr. John Sachtouras, is in Dubai now.
In 2019, we will open our FutureNet TV and VIDEO STUDIO there, a Studio of HOLLYWOOD QUALITY LEVEL.
We want to invite YOU to come to Dubai. We want to create for YOU a lifestyle Video of your Life!
See you in the next update Webinar with our Founder, Mr. Stephan Morgenstern, and our Global Ambassador of Education, Mr. John Sachtouras.
Tuesday 3:00 PM – UK time:
UPDATE webinar with Stephan Morgenstern & John Sachtouras
Best regards,
FutureNet Corporate Management