FutureNet Travel Presentation

Published by Cyber Flows on

We want to let you know that one of the most exciting Parts of FutureNet is the FutureNet Travel. 
We started the Travel Program a few months ago and now we are very close to the official launch next week. 
There you can find a lot of COOL EXAMPLES and SAVE up to 71% compared to regular prices. It is important to understand that we have the SAME Hotels as other online sites, but… the FutureNet Prices are up to 71% cheaper! 

How can you use the FutureNet Travel services? It is very simple. If you have MEDIA POINTS, you can create Travel Vouchers. Here comes the best part: for each FND in Media Points, you can create 2$ in Travel Vouchers. You can use some or all your Media Points, which includes your previous ones and/or new ones. 

For the TRAVEL it’s the same as above. We will update you in the next newsletters, posts and in special Trainings.
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