FutureAdPro Update – We returned
Dear FutureAdPro users,
Due to technical problems that have recently been experienced by the FutureAdPro platform – as a Platform Service Provider, we would like to inform you that it is related to numerous changes and the implementation of new solutions that we have reported. We assure you that the FutureAdPro Platform will be restored in its current scope in the upcoming days, as per the moment of Platform access loss.
We would like to point out that any inconvenience, in particular, the unavailability of the Platform and the inability to use its functionality, is solely due to temporary technical problems that occur regardless of the Service Provider, and which the Service Provider actively counteracts and removes them.
We also want to reassure all Users, which is why we ensure that in the next few days, the functioning of the FutureAdPro Platform will be completely restored until the full capacity of the Platform is achieved.
At the same time, we point out that the restoration of full funcionality also includes enabling all interested Users to perform all legally permitted and Contractually permitted activities under the FutureAdPro Users account, including the execution of FND Voucher Redemtions under their account, on the principles set out in the Regulations.
We emphasize that the interruptions in access are only temporary, and the restoration of the Platform to full availability will be done within a few days.

We apologize to all Users for any inconvenience caused.