FutureAdPro Update – Meet the new
Dear FutureAdPro customers,
We are happy that despite temporary difficulties we were able to restart FutureAdPro. We’re still improving some of the functionalities, some of them are in the development process, but the vast majority are working properly. You can now use FutureAdPro again.
What is FutureAdPro and how it works?
FutureAdPro is a project that allows you to earn money without leaving your home. It allows you to generate income without worrying about losing money, from income based on the share of profit from advertising. All you beed to do to participate is free registration and purchase of one of the advertising packages. Tha larger the package – the more profit you will get. Your next task is to watch 10 ads on our website. You don’t have to persuade anyone to cooperate or sell anything. Use the modern online earning method.
How to generate new advertising?
At firs, to create your own advertisement on FutureAdPro go to the Advertising section on the left menu and press Create Ad. Fill in the form to complete a distributor with the following information:
- advertisement title,
- advertisement text,
- URL – link to the website to promote,
- recipients setting (based on gender, age, and country of origin),
- the number of ads views allocated to the advertisement. Each time the advertisement is shown, one view is consumed.
Remember that all fields have to be filled to create an advertisement. You can create an unlimited number of ads. They will be displayed if the number of views assigned to each of them achieves the set goal. Before adding to the pool each advertisement is additionally verified in terms of content by the staff responsible for the verification of advertisements. Properly verified advertisements will be randomly displayed to FutureAdPro users as one of ten to choose from.
What about the calculation for the last months?
Your adpacks and subscription will be reactivated according to their status on the 14th of August. In example, if a user had one 50$ adpack – this adpack has earned 120%. At the moment of closing FutureAdPro for technical issues (14th of August), adpack has already earned 80%, which means 48 FND.
During the period of being offline, adpacks have been deactivated as a user has been unable to watch ads for 14 days (it is one of the qualifications for adpacks to be active). We are going to reactivate adpacks with the exact amount of earned % that means that our customers will be able to continue earning.

Remember, this is a loyality program, not an investment.
FutureAdPro team.